How do I track down what is going on here?

After restoring the database and most of the DISKPOOL from tape
using DRM procedures, I get one DISK volume left over. It
appears to contain a very limited amount of data from a single

We back up our DISK and TAPE pools to COPYPOOL. We then
back-up the database, first with a DBFULL backup that stays in
the library, and then with a DBSNAPSHOT that gets exported and
sent to offsite storage.

I realise this leaves a window between the time the DISKPOOL
was backed up to the COPYPOOL and when the DBSNAPSHOT
was started where, if NODE backups were active, they might put
some data in the DISKPOOL that the database knows about
when the DBSNAPSHOT is taken, but did not get into the

How do I eliminate all other possibilities?

The reason I ask, is that several COPYPOOL tapes, which were
marked UNAVAILABLE, but had not yet been sent off-site at the
time of the DBSNAPSHOT did NOT get marked as READ-ONLY
by the recovery process. Therefore it appeared that we could not
restore a great chunk of our DISKPOOL, until I discovered I had
tapes that were marked "UNAVAILABLE". Once I marked those as
READ-ONLY I got almost all of our DISKPOOL back, except for
these few files on one volume.

Werner (Vern) Kliewer
Sr. ITS Analyst
Mid-Range Support
Manitoba Public Insurance

(Sorry if this is a double post. I cannot tell if the first one arrived at
the list)

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