ok, thanks...

it makes sens to me now..

I have some work to do to change it all !


> Michael REGELIN
> Ingénieur Informatique - O.S.O.
> Groupware & Messagerie
> Centre des Technologies de l'Information (CTI)
> Route des Acacias 82
> CP149 - 1211 Genève 8
> Tél. + 41 22 3274322  -  Fax + 41 22 3275499
> http://intraCTI.etat-ge.ch/services_complementaires/messagerie.html
> __________________________________________________________

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Don France (TSMnews) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : vendredi, 3. mai 2002 23:22
Objet : Re: Help Understanding Mgmt classes


The rules I described apply universally to backup objects with the same name
owned by a given node in backup storage.

With TDP products, in some cases, the backup objects are given different,
unique names every time a backup occurs -- you must review the Install &
User's Guide for the TDP you are using.  For example, TDP v1 for Exchange
creates unique names for every backup, so retention/expiration must be done
manually;  in v2 of this TDP, objects stored in backup storage are given the
same name, so their retention/expiration becomes "automated" like for files
backed up by the b/a-client -- and the management class rules, as I
described, will apply.

Hope this helps.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Regelin Michael (CHA)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 5:17 AM
Subject: Re: Help Understanding Mgmt classes

Hi Don,

I'm not sure to understand your answer.

By the way, thanks for your answer. I'm interested in this mailing and was
not the originator.

Our Backup solution is based on tdp for domino 1.1.2. Our tsm client is based on Windows Nt4 server.

here is our strategy:
 a full backup a week - keeping 5 version (management class=week)
 a full backup a month - keeping 13 version (management class=month)
 an incremental version a day - keeping 5 version (management class=daily)

after reading your mail, I understand that having 3 MC for the same file
will cause the retention to change after every backup when the MC is used.
So for example:
when week backup is finished, it will apply the MC for the file and when
month backup is finished, it will change all retention on every file base on
the new MC ?



> Michael REGELIN
> Inginieur Informatique - O.S.O.
> Groupware & Messagerie
> Centre des Technologies de l'Information (CTI)
> Route des Acacias 82
> CP149 - 1211 Genhve 8
> Til. + 41 22 3274322  -  Fax + 41 22 3275499
> http://intraCTI.etat-ge.ch/services_complementaires/messagerie.html
> __________________________________________________________

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Don France (TSMnews) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyi : vendredi, 3. mai 2002 03:39
Objet : Re: Help Understanding Mgmt classes

You are abit confused.  The *ONLY* way to have TWO policies applicable to a
given file is to use TWO node-names for your backups;  swapping policy sets
*may* work for your situation, if what you want (and set) is 30 versions of
a given file... that piece will work.

Files can be bound only to one management class at a time; if you try
changing MC for the file, it will change ALL versions to that MC, not just
the next backup.  The policyset-swap trick is useful when changing from
modified to absolute and back;  that's about the only use I've ever seen for
multiple policy sets.  Hope this helps.


Don France
Technical Architect - Tivoli Certified Consultant
Professional Association of Contract Employees (P.A.C.E.)
San Jose, CA
(408) 257-3037

----- Original Message -----
From: "Diana Noble" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 10:13 AM
Subject: Help Understanding Mgmt classes

> Hi All -
> I believe I have my management classes all defined with a major flaw.  We
> do scheduled modified backups during the week and scheduled absolute
> backups on Sundays.  I have two management classes defined.  Both have the
> same retentions coded but one has "absolute" for the copy mode and one has
> "modified" coded.  I have a script that swaps the default management class
> on Sundays.  After rereading the manual and looking at the archives of
> list, it seems there's no guarantee that the backup will use the default
> Management class.  Also, if I've specified to keep 30 versions of the data
> in both management classes, does that mean I'm going to retain 30 versions
> from the "absolute" and 30 versions of the "modified"?  I really want 30
> versions all together.
> My thought is to create multiply policy sets, and activate the policy set
> that contains only the management class I want.  I would then specify a
> retention of 4 versions for my policy set that contains the management
> class for "absolute".  This won't delete any of my 30 versions that were
> saved using the policy set that contains the "modified" management class,
> will it?  Does this make sense, or am I still way off here?
> Diana

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