Hi Listmembers, some of our nodes suddenly fail their daily backup with a returncode 4. They receive some file-errors, but sometimes it's returncode 0 and sometimes it's returncode 4. I can't see the difference... In the eventlog they show failed.
Please help! Greetings, Isabel Gerhardt 04/19/02 20:08:24 ANE4007E (Session: 7970, Node: <NODE1>) Error processing '\\orga-archiv\c$\pagefile.sys': access to the object is denied 04/19/02 20:08:39 ANE4987E (Session: 7970, Node: <NODE1>) Error processing '\\orga-archiv\c$\MSSQL7\Data \master.mdf': the object is in use by another process ......... (many ANE4987E) ........ ......... (Status Summary with successful and failed objects) ........ 04/19/02 20:08:56 ANR2579E Schedule <SCHED> in domain <DOMAIN> for node <NODE1> failed (return code 4). Server: TSM AIX 4.3 Client: PLATFORM_NAME: WinNT CLIENT_VERSION: 4 CLIENT_RELEASE: 2 CLIENT_LEVEL: 1 CLIENT_SUBLEVEL: 0 CLIENT_OS_LEVEL: 4.00