Off-hand I would not suspect a bug, but perhaps something else.

For one thing, try using * for your specification instead of *.*, i.e.:

   q backup c:\*


   q backup c:\

(the * is implied)

The reason for this is that files that do not contain an extension will
not appear in your list. This is most likely not your problem, but I
thought I would point it out anyway for your future reference (and save
you a little typing  :-)   ).

Try this:

Go to the GUI and take a careful look at the name of the file space. When
you open up the "File Level" icon, you should see file spaces like this:

   \\storman\c$ (C:)
   \\storman\e$ (E:)

(these are mine, your machine name and drive letters will be different).

Then go to the command line, and do this:

   q ba \\storman\c$\

(substitute your own file space name, and don't forget the ending

Does that make a difference?

I am not sure what happened on your machine. But if your machine name
changed, or your file space was renamed, then this might explain what you
are seeing. For example, if I change my machine name to \\raibeck, then I
would see a problem like yours. because when I specify C:, it really looks
for \\raibeck\c$. But since my existing file spaces are named
\\storman\x$, I will get the "no files found" message.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.


I'm running client (Windows) and TSM server (AIX)

When I do a q backup on the client I get this:
tsm> q backup c:\*.*
ANS1084E No files have previously been backed up for 'C:\*.*'

But in the Gui I can see several files.

What do I wrong or is it a bug?

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