Here's how we do it:

At the dsmadmc prompt:
def scr daily_report desc="Create a daily backup report" line=1
upd scr daily_report cmd="q sch * * begind=-$1 begint=now endd=-$2
endt=now" line=2

DON'T omit the negative sign preceding the $1 and $2!

(Sorry if I blew the syntax a little bit on line 2, I don't have
documentation at home.  If
there's any trouble, just issue the command "help upd scr"--you can sort
it out for

The two asterisks in line 2 indicate, first, "all policy domains",
second, "all node names".
If you want to separate policy domains, by all means just define more
than one script.

Then, when you want the daily, at the dsmadmc prompt:
run daily_report 1 0 > outfilemmdd.txt

Where "mmdd" indicate the month and day, or establish your own
convention.  So, on
Monday, when we want a report for each day over the weekend, we type,
again at the
dsmadmc prompt (example is for next Monday):
run daily_report 3 2 > tsma0420.txt
run daily_report 2 1 > tsma0421.txt
run daily_report 1 0 > tsma0422.txt

This yields a nice little report which prints nicely to a landscape
8.5x11 page, and
includes, among other items, the scheduled start time, the actual start
time, the
policy domain name, the node name, the schedule name, and the completion
The report lends itself to post-processing if you want to clean it up
for import into
Word or another text processor, and, on 8.5x11 paper, you even have room
annotate a cause for non-completion status, etc., in case your boss is a
little bit

If you add " f=d" at the end of the cmd= in line 2, you will get a
little more detailed
report which also includes the completion time, but might not fit on a
oriented 8.5x11 page.  Also, if you want to post-process with Excel, you
might consider
using the command "dsmadmc -comma".  Your redirected output files will
be in
comma-separated value format which is nice for importing to Excel.

Hope this helps,

Dennis "Anyone looking for a pretty fair TSM Administrator?" Glover

"Yes, Andy, the command line is your friend.  And mine."

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