The Domino guys set up a command for TSM to run every 6 hours. The schedule calls the command but returns the below errors. Anyone familiar with Domino that can help? The error code points to an environment setup problem, not sure what the return code means though. I'm guessing at this point the environment problem is on the node.
The command file is as follows, not sure if it needs an adjustment too. @ECHO OFF set dom_dir="c:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\domino" cd /d %dom_dir% echo Current date is:>>>>e:\logs\domagent_arc date /t <NUL >>e:\logs\domagent_arc echo Current time is:>>>>e:\logs\domagent_arc time /t <NUL >>e:\logs\domagent_arc start /B domdsmc archivelog /adsmoptfile=c:\progra~1\tivoli\tsm\domino\dsm.opt /logfile=e:\logs\domagent_err.log >>e:\logs\domagent_arc.log domagent_arc.log 04/18/2002 10:28:41 Obtained new port number on which to listen. 04/18/2002 11:59:06 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'DOMARCH_M-F' failed. Return code = 255. domagent_sched.log: Executing scheduled command now. 04/18/2002 11:59:06 Executing Operating System command or script: c:\commands\domarc.cmd 04/18/2002 11:59:06 Finished command. Return code is: 255 Thanks, Geoff Gill TSM Administrator NT Systems Support Engineer SAIC E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Phone: (858) 826-4062 Pager: (877) 905-7154