My understanding is that when you use source/target server, you think of the
"target" TSM server as just an electronic vault.  It is NOT the same as
having a backup TSM server.

As you said, the objects in the target server's data base are archive
objects.  The metadata needed to restore the data is still in the DB of the
SOURCE server.

So you won't be able to do restores, until you build a repair/recovery
source server and reload its DB.  Now someone else might reasonably expect
to reload the DB into a TSM server at the offsite location; but since you
are planning for the target/source TSM's to be on different platforms, that
won't be an option.

You will need to rebuild the TSM server on your OS/390 recovery machine,
wherever that is.

-----Original Message-----
From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

Let me preface this with, I am not sure how to completely ask these
questions since I don't have all of the details but hopefully someone can
give me some idea of how TSM can/will handle this, if at all possible.

Current configuration:  TSM 4.1 on OS/390 using 3590B tape drives in a
3494 ATL

Requirements as I understand them:  Setup a off-location "hot site" backup
TSM server that will have copies of everything the main server and/or
other TSM server (we are working on splitting the TSM traffic/load onto
another TSM server) has.   The "hot site" server will probably be an AIX
box with 3590E (possibly FC) drives.

I have looked into the source/target server issue but am a little confused
since the "target" server will only see things that come from the "source"
server as archive objects.

If the building with the "source" server burns down (and this same
building also houses a majority of the clients that are backed up !), how
would the "target" server be used to restore all of the client nodes ?

How about the database backups that are sent to the "target" server ? What
use are they if you have to have the "source" server to identify what is
on the "target" server ?

Should I/could I setup database mirror volumes on a remote (target ?)
server over simple IP connections or is this only possible with DASD using
XRC processes....especially since the current, main database is on OS390 ?
    If this was moved to an AIX box, how would this be handled ?  NFS ???

As you can tell, any and all guidance is greatly appreciated !!!
Zoltan Forray
Virginia Commonwealth University - University Computing Center
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  voice: 804-828-4807

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