We saw the same output to screen, you can get around this two ways. One, use
the nohup command as follows:

nohup dsmc sched 2> /dev/null &  (a nohup output file will be created in
your current location)

or to get away from having nohup output files everywhere, use your existing
method through a terminal window that you just close or leave minimized. 

Just remember to check your process with a ps -ef |grep dsmc to make sure
it's still running.

Happy TSMing,
Mark B.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Moewe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 1:42 AM
Subject: Console Output of dsmcad on sun solaris


we have a server running sun solaris 8 behind a firewall.
Therefore TSM Schedmode is configured for polling (polling intervall 1 h).
DSMCAD is started and configured to start the scheduler.
Something strange happens:
on the console is now a timer counting down every hour and updating every

How can i disable this ?

we tried already "dsmcad >/dev/null 2>&1". It doesn´t work.

Thank you in advance
Jan Möwe


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