Marc Lowers wrote:
> Is there any command available which will allow me to checkin a volume in
> to a 3494 library which has been previously labelled but now has no
> barcode label on it?

If I understand your question correctly, what you want to do is use
the "Insert Unlabelled Cartridges" feature under the Commands menu
on the 3494 console.  You can use that to tell the 3494 to load the
cartridge without a barcode and use whatever volser/label you want
for it (such as the one the missing barcode label had).

You can then manage the cartridge within TSM just like any other.  For
long term ease of management, I'd suggest you limit your use of that
cartridge to checking it in, moving data off it, and checking it out


Hello World.                                    David Bronder - Systems Admin
Segmentation Fault                                     ITS-SPA, Univ. of Iowa
Core dumped, disk trashed, quota filled, soda warm.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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