First thank you all for your help (Bill Mansfield too) I should have thought of some 
of your suggestions. Now ...

No,  I had not tried taking the other drives offline. The drive was visible from AIX 
and it was available from the 3494. The CE looked at the error logs from AIX and from 
the library and saw no problems.

I finally decided to try just taking the drive offline to TSM and then back online to 
TSM (upd dr3494 command) yesterday and then checked the summary log this morning. It 
showed that the drive was now being used.

The drive was definitely online to TSM before this time (Jan 7 was the last status 
change for the drive listed in the database table) - the drive looked good from AIX 
and also from the library itself. We examined the logs on the library itself yesterday 
(before I made the change) and it seemed to show that some mounts were taking place on 
that drive. We are going to go over it with the CE to make sure. If mounts were taking 
place on the drive, was TSM requesting them and then somehow not logging
it in the summary file? If TSM was not mounting the tapes, what was? As far as we know 
nothing else should have been able to mount tapes on that drive.  So although the 
immediate problem is solved, I am concerned about the integrity of the TSM logs.

"Williams, Tim P {PBSG}" wrote:

> lsdev -Cc tape
> can you see the drive?
> Ted has a good idea...
> q mount shows nothing?
> q sess f=d shows no mount for that drive?
> mtlib -l/dev/lmcp0 -qM  (query mount from aix if you have aix...) to look
> for a mount on the operating
> system level...
> is the drive available at the 3494?
> some ideas.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Qualls, Ted W {PBSG} [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 3:30 PM
> Subject: Re: Question about tape drive utilization and the summary file
> Have you tried taking drives 0,1 and 3 offline to see if drive 2 gets a
> mount?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Jelinek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 12:53 PM
> Subject: Question about tape drive utilization and the summary file
> Is the summary file supposed to list all tape mounts for drives online to
> TSM? I thought that I would use the summary log to determine tape
> utilization. When I pulled the data, I discovered that we have been using
> drives 0,1, and 3 but not using drive 2 (not a single mount in a month and a
> half according to the summary table). And yes, the drive has been online to
> TSM the whole time with no errors reported that I can find. Am I missing
> something obvious? We have a 3494 library with 3590 drives.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> David Jelinek
> Systems Programmer
> Central Michigan University

David Jelinek
Systems Programmer
Central Michigan University

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