We are getting ready to install lan-free on Win 2000 clients with an AIX
4.3.3 TSM server. What level of the API, Client, and Storage Agent
code would you recommend using? The only one I see released is

>Hi Giuseppe,
>I have tested the lan free backup in a similar
>environment. I recommend you updating the API and
>client version. On the other hand, when the backup is
>not lan free it goes through lan, then it is possible
>you have problems in the configuration. But the most
>of pb are solved updating the server and client.

 --- Giuseppe Taccone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribis: > Hello,
> i've this environment server tivoli win2k,
> tsm client on server AIX with
> storageagent and 2109 switch with 3584 lto
> IBM library in FC.
> During lanfree backup i've this error message:
>        ANS1301E Server detected system error
> is there anybody that have this similar environment
> in lanfree backup ??
>                                      many thank's
> Giuseppe  Taccone
> TSM Team Manager
>         I.A.N. srl
>   V.le Fulvio Testi, 11
> 20092 Cinisello Balsamo (Mi )
> Tel. +39.02.61866362
> Fax  +39.02.61866315
> WEB: www.ian.it

Linda Seeba                               Phone: (314) 234-5190
I/T Specialist - Sr                      Fax: (314) 232-4581
IBM Global Services               E-Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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