
I user the following as a script from the command line!
easier to see what is where

ADSM='dsmadmc -id=XXXXX -pa=XXXXX'

$ADSM  'SELECT left(V.volume_name,7) as TAPE,
               left(V.stgpool_name,4) as STG,
               left(varchar(V.pct_utilized),4) as USED,
               left(varchar(V.pct_reclaim),4) as RECL,
               left(V.location,6) as LOCAT,
               left(V.access,5) as ACC,
               L.home_element  as SL
         FROM volumes V,
              libvolumes L
         where V.volume_name=L.volume_name
         ORDER by SL' > sorted.txt
cat sorted.txt

You may have to play with field sizes but this goes for 80 cols


                    Clive Johnson
                    <clive.johnson       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    @DB.COM>             cc:
                    Sent by:             Subject:     Q VOL Shows tapes FULL at less 
than 100% utilized
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    10:54 AM
                    Please respond
                    to "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

I am experiencing a problem when queering the volume, please see below:
Using TSM ver 4 release 2 level 1.7 on NT4 SP6

Volume Name               Storage      Device      Estimated    Pct
                          Pool Name    Class Name   Capacity   Util
------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  -----
000001L1                  TAPE         LTO         102,110.9   49.6    Full
000002L1                  TAPECOLL     LTO         200,000.0    9.6
000003L1                  TAPECOLL     LTO         101,700.5  100.0    Full
000005L1                  TAPE         LTO         102,780.8   29.8    Full
000006L1                  TAPE         LTO         101,664.4   29.7    Full
000007L1                  TAPECOLL     LTO         200,300.2   95.1    Full
000008L1                  TAPECOLL     LTO         223,004.3   71.5
000011L1                  TAPEARCH     LTO         200,000.0   15.2
000012L1                  TAPE-S2S     LTO         200,000.0    0.0
000013L1                  TAPE         LTO         101,488.8    7.0    Full
000014L1                  TAPE         LTO         101,138.1   71.5    Full
000015L1                  TAPE         LTO         101,492.5   59.8    Full
000016L1                  TAPE         LTO         101,793.8   74.2    Full
000017L1                  TAPE         LTO         101,622.4   33.1    Full

One problem is that the tapes are showing full at a capacity of 100Gb and
pct util is all over the place. There has been no change to compression
settings. This has only just started to happen.

I have tried to reclaim the stgpool but when I update the stg pool
reclamation value that would envoke reclamation but nothing happens. q pro
- no processes are active, q mount - nothing is mounted.

If anyone has any ideas they would be much appreciated as I am having to
throw tapes into our library daily.



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