There is no "UNICODE" option per se, to do what you want. You need the TSM 4.2 product (client and server), and then the client will be able to support your mixed data.
Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked. The command line is your friend. "Good enough" is the enemy of excellence. Nick Rutherford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/14/2002 03:42 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Win2000 TSM client & Japanese & English file structure. Hello all, hoping you can help me. Currently we have a TSM client installed onto a Janapese NT server backing up our file server data. I want to migrate from the NT platform to a English Windows 2000 platform so I can use the UNICODE option for backing up our mixed Japanese & English data. The client backup keeps failing on the new Win2000 client because the Japanese file names still appear un-readable through an Dos command line. When looking through the 'My Computer' icon, all Japanese files appear correctly in Japanese text. Does anybody know what setting is required to allow the dos command prompt to also show these file in Japanese character format ? many thanks for any help, Nick Rutherford ********************************************************************* This e-mail is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Honda of the UK Manufacturing Ltd. If you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and then delete this message from your system. Also be advised that any use, disclosure, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail if sent in error is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your co-operation. *********************************************************************