It sounds odd, but if you have the disk space, you could use something like
AMANDA to backup the freebsd to files on the Linux box.  Then use TSM to
spin the files of to tape and delete them from the Linux server.

In a recovery situation, AMANDA would tell you what file(s) to restore from

Nothing like pounding two rocks together to forge something into the shape
a PHB desires. =;^)

And no, I havn't done it.  It just sounds like it would work if you have to.
Probably just backing them up over the NFS link sounds like the way to go,
but hopefully some others will have some more constructive solutions.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: taketoshi ide [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 2:05 PM
> Subject:      FREEBSD+tsm clinet again
> Dear all ..
> Our management has forced us to make backup freebsd's file system with
> tsm client.
> Then, we installed a linux client on linux machine that mount freebsd's
> file system by NFS.
> We have tested backup/restore and it looks like work ...
> Is there anybody with similar problem ?
> Any help will be GREATLY APPREACIATED !
> Thanks in advance.
> Taketoshi Ide

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