> Yesterday, I converted one of my Domino server  from an NT 4.0 to a
> 2000 Advanced server.  I have 3 schedules setup for doing a log backup,
> incremental back, and inactivate log files.  These three schedules are
> setup in the services to automatically start when Windows starts.  I
> that I can't have all the services started at the same time.  If start
> of the services and then try to start the second service, the first one
> stops.  I never had any problem like this in my NT server.  Are there any
> problems  running TDP for Domino on a Windows 2000 server?  Any help
> be appreciated.


There are no known problems with running TDP for Domino on Windows 2000.
We have many customers running in this environment today.

If anything, this is probably a base client scheduler issue...
You should probably examine the scheduler setup more closely.
If you are still having problems, you should call IBM support.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

- Leave everything a little better than you found it.
- Smile a lot: it costs nothing and is beyond price.

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