Dear all ..... Our system: TSM SERVER 4.1.2 on IBM AIX 4.3.3 . TSM CLIENT B/A 4.1.2 LINUX on FREEBSD 4.5-RC
We have problems with backup/restore . It doesn't work for some file systems. We used "emulator linux" for freebsd to install tsm client. Sequence used to instalation: 1. pkg_add emulator 2. adding line linux_enable="YES" into file /etc/rc.conf 3. creating directory /compat/linux/var/tmp 4. creating link "ln -s /compat/linux/opt /opt" 5. adding variable into .profile: export DSM_CONFIG=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt and export DSM_DIR=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin 6. installing tsm client rpm -i --ignoreos --root /compat/linux TIVsm-BA-x.x.x.x-1.i386.rpm 7. configuring tsm client (dsm.opt and dsm.sys) 8. copyng /etc/fstab to /compat/linux/etc/mtab and changing string ufs by ext2 . 9. creating link to localtime and so on . Can anybody help us? Many thanks in advance. TAKETOSHI IDE CCUEC - UNICAMP - SP - BRAZIL