
thanks a lot for this clever advice ! Will try it.

>               René Lambelet
>               Center Information System, Nestec Ltd
>               tel + 41 21 924 3543
>               fax + 41 21 924 1369
> visit the Nestle site:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Paschal [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 7:57 PM
> Subject:      Re: Question regarding including an excluded type of file.
> James,
> Your situation can be solved quite simply by setting your pstfiles bu
> copygroup to FREQUENCY=7 and just include *:\...\* pstfiles.  That way
> it'll
> only back up every 7 days even if it's been modified.  If it hasn't been
> modified, it'll wait until it is modified, so long as that's longer than 7
> days.  No need for multiple nodes, weird include/exclude shell games,
> multiple schedules, or any other trickery.  However, this doesn't
> necessarily make the backups happen on weekends, but if that's a
> negotiable
> requirement, then this is a very easy solution.
> That's twice in one week that copygroup settings have come up.  Is this
> one
> of the seven signs of the apocalypse?
> Alex Paschal
> Storage Administrator
> Freightliner, LLC
> (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James, Doug [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 8:21 AM
> Subject: Question regarding including an excluded type of file.
> We are also opening an issue Tivoli, but we seem to get faster and better
> results from our comrades on the list server.  This is our problem:
> We are drowning in pst files, which are "changed" each time an individual
> opens his e-mail.  We have made a corporate decision to back these up once
> each weekend, and exclude them the rest of the week.  These are the steps
> that we have taken:
> 1.  On each NT server, we have excluded all files that end in "pst."
> Exclude *:\...\*.pst
> 2.  I created a new management class through the web interface, called
> "pstfiles," with versions data deleted set to 4, and retain extra versions
> set for 90 days.  Even though the excluded files would normally be
> deleted,
> this management class will keep 4 sets inactive.
> 3.  I created two new schedules, one to run on Friday evening and one
> Saturday evening, figuring that one will successfully back up the pst
> files.
> THE PROBLEM is that I cannot successfully code the include statement on
> the
> schedule through the web interface.  My intent is to Include *:\...\*.pst
> pstfiles .  This should override the exclude statement in the dsm.opt
> file,
> backup the pst files and associate them with the management class
> pstfiles.
> On the Object line of the web interface, I have tried variations of the
> following commands:
> Include *:\...\*.pst pstfiles   The word "include" was not needed.
> *:\...\*.pst pstfiles           TSM attempted to backup pst files, and a
> separate filesystem
>                                         pstfiles.
> '*:\...\*.pst pstfiles'         TSM failed to associate pst files with the
> management class.
> "'*:\...\*.pst pstfiles'"               The double quotes were replaced
> with
> a square, I presume because
>                                         TSM did not recognize the symbol.
> Does anyone have a recommendation as to how to best handle this?
> Doug James
> Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and its subsidiary and
> affiliate companies are not responsible for errors or omissions in this
> e-mail message. Any personal comments made in this e-mail do not reflect
> the
> views of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.

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