Del, Our SQL DBA checked and indeed it was "null" (He says this system is one that some people "play" with). He changed and we will restart this evening and try again.
Thanks, David Longo >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/26/02 07:40AM >>> > The B/A client works fine. However when stating the TDP GUI, I get the > initial window displayed and then real soon a Dr. Watson Application error. > Error in tdpsql.exe Exception: access violation (0xc00000005), > Address 78001562. When I looked at Event viewer, the only additional > info was Event ID 4097, and Address 78001562 (wcslen). I have totally > cleaned off the old Tivoli and resinstalled this again with same results. David, We have seen this when the SQL server name was "null'ed". To check this issue the following T-SQL command: select @@servername If it comes back with no name or "null", try the following: 1. From the QA (Query Analyzer) issue the system procedure command: sp_addserver 'servername',local where 'servername' is the server name if accessing a SQL Server default instance, and is servername\instancename if accessing a named instance. 2. Stop and restart the SQL Server instance. 3. From the QA issue: select @@servername You should see the servername you used in sp_addserver. 4. Retry the TDP-SQL operation. If it still fails, please call IBM support. Thanks, Del ---------------------------------------------------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Celebrate we will. Life is short but sweet for certain..." -- Dave "MMS <>" made the following annotations on 02/26/02 11:33:24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This message is for the named person's use only. It may contain confidential, proprietary, or legally privileged information. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it, and notify the sender. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient. Health First reserves the right to monitor all e-mail communications through its networks. Any views or opinions expressed in this message are solely those of the individual sender, except (1) where the message states such views or opinions are on behalf of a particular entity; and (2) the sender is authorized by the entity to give such views or opinions. ==============================================================================