Thanks Elmar - Good to know someone is working with this

-----Original Message-----
From: Elmar Abeln [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 2:52 AM
Subject: Re: TSM API

Hi Jose,
> Hi - Has anyone had any experience with using the Tivoli Api.  We are
> embarking on exploring the API and its effectiveness Please let me
> know

i took the "butc" source-code from TRANSARC-AFS and included Tivoli Api
calls to backup AFS-Volumes to TSM instead to tape. (like former buta from
IBM and now tbutc from IBM-TRANSARC). It works under AIX 4.3 ,SOLARIS 7 and
W2K. On LINUX 2.2 there have to be excluded the pthered library and replaced
with dummy calles but it works also fine.


Dr. Elmar Abeln              email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Im Neuenheimer Feld 293      phone: +49 (6221) 54 4513
D 69120 Heidelberg           fax:   +49 (6221) 54 5581

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