Hi Rene, yes, you should restart the scheduler. I did it everytime I changed something in the options (especially the include exclude list) of a client (UNIX, Linux, Windows etc.). And as I can remember it is named in the manuals, too.
Regards Thomas Hi, should I also restart the scheduler after modifying the inclexcl.list = on an AIX client ? Regards, > Ren=E9 Lambelet > Center Information System, Nestec Ltd > tel + 41 21 924 3543 > fax + 41 21 924 1369 > visit the Nestle site: http://www.nestle.com >=20 >=20 > -----Original Message----- > From: Thomas Anthon-Kiel [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 11:00 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: Include/Exclude (again) >=20 > Hi Andrea, >=20 > This entries in the inclexcl list should be: > exclude * > include D:\Oracle\backup\dev8i.dmp MCBKUP4 >=20 > BUT: > remember to restart the scheduler service on the client machine after = you > have > chnaged the settings in the client options!!! Otherwise the TSM = client > will > still go on using the "old" options!!!! >=20 > Many greetings >=20 > Thomas