Hello *sm-ers, I'm the new TSM-administration in our organisation and I have a question about how the last adminstrator set up the option 'Delay Period for Volume Reuse'. In our environment we have a diskpool. Every day we migrate the back-up/archive data to a tapepool. We also have some administrative command schedules. One schedule is a delete volhistory command, like 'del volhistt=all todate=-30'. We also have a command 'del volhist t=dbb todate=-7'. The option 'Delay Period for Volume Reuse' for our tapepool is '0' (zero). After reading the manual I was wondering if the Delay Reuse period has the right value in combination with delvolhist dbb. I guess it had to be set to 7, because when you want to do a point-in-time restore of the database, it is possible there is no data on the tapes left to restore, in spite of the database is saying there should be data on that tape.
Am I right? Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks for your information. Brian. _________________________________________________________________ Chat on line met vrienden en probeer MSN Messenger uit: http://messenger.msn.nl