Hi Kelvin,

The return code 425 means that you have a corrupt database.
We had this a while ago on one of our exchange boxes. There
was one particular user's data that was corrupt - had to restore
the total 30Gig's to get this one user's data back.
What the exchange admin did to clear the problem was create a new storage
group and moved everybody's data to the new storage group.
He could not find any utilities to fix the exchange corrupt database...

Hope this helps.


> Full: 0   Read: 38422676056  Written: 38422675890  Rate: 1,819.81 Kb/Sec
Waiting for Exchange
> server.......
> Full: 0   Read: 38422676056  Written: 38422676056  Rate: 1,819.33 Kb/Sec
Backup of storage group First
> Storage Group failed.
> ACN5350E An unknown Exchange API error has occurred.
> ACN0151E Errors occurred while processing the request.
> On the server log I have the following error:-
> ANE4993E (Session: 7067, Node: EXCHANGE4) TDP MSExchgV2 NT TDP for
Microsoft Exchange: full backup of First
> Storage Group from server EXCHANGE4 failed, rc = 425.


In this case, an "An unknown Exchange API error has occurred" message
means that TDP for Exchange called an Exchange Server API to get more
data from the database and the Exchange server hit an error that it
did not expect, and so it bubbled that unknown error back to TDP.

You could look in the Event Log to see if there are any Exchange
message that may help but, in most cases, if this continues
to happen (and a reboot does not help), then you will need
to take a trace in order to get the Exchange API return code.
You should call IBM support...they can guide you through
obtaining a trace. And in many of these cases, Microsoft
will need to get involved to tell us what the
"unknown error" return code really means and how to correct it.
I have seen a number of these lead to a lack of
resource issue...but until a trace is examined,
we can not know for sure.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

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