I felt good for about 10 seconds until I looked at the vague,
non-committal, brown-nosed wording.  Sorry to burst your collective bubbles.

I'm going to be giving 'Tina'* a call tomorrow and let her know what I
think of her spam.  I suggest the rest of you who received her message to
call and express your level of disgust at being spammed in such a dishonest
fashion.  I'd also like to recommend submitting the eMail to spamcop.net,
as it fits the description of unsolicited commercial eMail.


* I put 'Tina' in quotes, since I suspect this recruiter is using a pseudonym.

>Initially I felt left out but I received a copy later...have time you will
>probably get yours too.  She is great for the ego though
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alex Paschal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 2:09 PM
>Subject: Re: Who else got 'Job Spam'?
>Great.  Now I feel left out.  <sniffle>
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Gene Greenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 7:30 AM
>Subject: Re: Who else got 'Job Spam'?
>I believe everyone go a copy.
>Gene Greenberg
>Lead System Adm/DBA
>Round Rock ISD
>|        |          Bill Mansfield           |
>|        |          <WMansfield@SOLUTIONTECHN|
>|        |          OLOGY.COM>               |
>|        |                                   |
>|        |          02/06/02 08:16 AM        |
>|        |          Please respond to "ADSM: |
>|        |          Dist Stor Manager"       |
>|        |                                   |
>  >---------------------------------------------------------|
>  |                                                         |
>  |       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      |
>  |       cc:     (bcc: Gene Greenberg/CentralOffice/RRISD) |
>  |       Subject:     Re: Who else got 'Job Spam'?         |
>  >---------------------------------------------------------|
>Me too.  Pretty tough to police an unmoderated list.  Perhaps if "Tina"
>gets enough negative feedback she'll think twice next time.
>William Mansfield
>Senior Consultant
>Solution Technology, Inc
>                      Justin Derrick
>                      <jderrick@CANADA.        To:
>                      COM>                     cc:
>                      Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:  Who else got 'Job
>                      Dist Stor
>                      Manager"
>                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                      .EDU>
>                      02/06/2002 07:12
>                      AM
>                      Please respond to
>                      "ADSM: Dist Stor
>                      Manager"
>I'm presuming I wasn't the only one that got the spam for a ficticious
>'project' from 'Tina'.
>I'm kinda curious as to how many others received the same message because
>they "appeared to have great communication skills".  (Translation:  "I
>haven't read any of your postings, but it sounds flattering enough.")

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