Why does the migration process cause a (large) delay for my backups
(mediawait) ?
I don't understand why backup can't continue while TSM is migrating the data
from disk to tape ? There is still enough place in the diskpool !

Can anybody give me any hints are recommandations ?

Thank you in advance !!

Wouter V.

Storage      Device       Estimated    Pct    Pct  High  Low  Next Stora-
Pool Name    Class Name    Capacity   Util   Migr   Mig  Mig  ge Pool
                               (MB)                 Pct  Pct
-----------  ----------  ----------  -----  -----  ----  ---  -----------
ARCHIVEPOOL  DISK               0.0    0.0    0.0    90   70
BACKUPPOOL   DISK          16,720.0   63.3   57.1    60   30  PTAPE_POOL
PTAPE_POOL   TAPE_CLASS  1,907,340.    4.6  100.0   100    0
SPACEMGPOOL  DISK               0.0    0.0    0.0    90   70

Process Process Description  Status
-------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------------
      31 Migration            Disk Storage Pool BACKUPPOOL, Moved Files:
                               Moved Bytes: 1,297,846,272, Unreadable Files:
                               Unreadable Bytes: 0. Current Physical File
                               (bytes): 2,043,904

                               Current output volume: 000013.

      32 Migration            Disk Storage Pool BACKUPPOOL, Moved Files:
                               Moved Bytes: 1,225,912,320, Unreadable Files:
                               Unreadable Bytes: 0. Current Physical File
                               (bytes): 14,446,592

                               Current output volume: 000006.

  Sess Comm.  Sess     Wait   Bytes   Bytes Sess  Platform Client Name
Number Method State    Time    Sent   Recvd Type
------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- ----- -------- -------------
11,683 ShMem  IdleW  22.6 M   1.7 K   1.1 K Node  AIX      BWB_ONT
11,684 ShMem  Run      0 S   18.7 K   6.2 G Node  AIX      BWB_ONT
11,685 ShMem  IdleW  11.3 M     858     821 Node  AIX      BWB_ONT
11,697 Tcp/Ip IdleW  27.1 M   3.5 M   9.0 K Node  WinNT    NEWTON
11,698 Tcp/Ip MediaW 20.5 M     714 235.8 M Node  WinNT    NEWTON
11,703 Tcp/Ip IdleW  21.1 M   3.4 M     650 Node  WinNT    EINSTEIN
11,704 Tcp/Ip MediaW 21.7 M     354  22.3 K Node  WinNT    EINSTEIN
11,705 Tcp/Ip MediaW 21.6 M     354   3.9 K Node  WinNT    EINSTEIN
11,706 Tcp/Ip IdleW  20.6 M  34.8 M     840 Node  WinNT    EINSTEIN
11,709 Tcp/Ip IdleW  18.6 M 465.0 K   1.1 K Node  WinNT    ACSL1
11,710 Tcp/Ip MediaW 19.0 M     354  22.3 K Node  WinNT    ACSL1
11,711 Tcp/Ip IdleW  18.5 M 680.0 K     501 Node  WinNT    ACSL1
11,712 Tcp/Ip MediaW 18.9 M     354   8.9 K Node  WinNT    ACSL1
11,714 Tcp/Ip IdleW  16.4 M   1.8 M     589 Node  WinNT    ITF_TRA
11,715 Tcp/Ip MediaW 16.7 M     354  22.2 K Node  WinNT    ITF_TRA
11,716 Tcp/Ip IdleW  16.6 M     515     819 Node  WinNT    ITF_TRA
11,717 Tcp/Ip MediaW 16.5 M     354   5.3 K Node  WinNT    ITF_TRA
11,718 Tcp/Ip IdleW  9.5 M    2.2 M     546 Node  WinNT    BWB_TRA1
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

11,720 Tcp/Ip MediaW 9.8 M      354  22.2 K Node  WinNT    BWB_TRA1
11,721 Tcp/Ip MediaW 9.7 M      360  10.7 K Node  WinNT    BWB_TRA1
11,722 Tcp/Ip IdleW  9.1 M    2.9 M     534 Node  WinNT    BWB_TRA1
11,723 Tcp/Ip IdleW  7.1 M    3.2 M     541 Node  WinNT    NOTES_TRA
11,724 Tcp/Ip IdleW  9.4 M    2.6 K   1.1 K Node  WinNT    NOTES_TRA
11,725 Tcp/Ip MediaW 7.1 M      409  64.0 M Node  WinNT    NOTES_TRA
11,726 Tcp/Ip MediaW 9.2 M      406 424.5 K Node  WinNT    NOTES_TRA
11,727 Tcp/Ip IdleW  7.2 M    2.4 M     611 Node  WinNT    BSC_NT3_TRA
11,728 Tcp/Ip MediaW 7.3 M      354  22.3 K Node  WinNT    BSC_NT3_TRA
11,729 Tcp/Ip IdleW  6.6 M    1.7 M     537 Node  WinNT    BSC_NT3_TRA
11,730 Tcp/Ip MediaW 7.1 M      354   5.2 K Node  WinNT    BSC_NT3_TRA

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