Hi there,

i have an AIX client running on AIX and a TSM Server AIX 4.1.1 
running on AIX 4.3.3 ML09. I want to upgrade to TSM Server 4.2.1. Is the old AIX 
Client running with the new TSM Server version? Are there any known problems ?

Kind regards

      Dipl. Inform.  Reiner Sauer
Vinzenz von Paul Kliniken gGmbH
Marienhospital Stuttgart
- EDV / KIS-System -
Boeheimstr. 37
D-70199 Stuttgart
Phone: (+49) (0)711 - 6489 - 2682
FAX    : (+49) (0)711 - 6489 - 2985 o. 2005
Internet: http://www.vinzenz.de

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