UNSUBSCRIBE -----Original Message----- From: Cook, Dwight E (SAIC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 1:07 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Recovery Log behavior after 100% util reached
Double check the status of your DB ! I glitched the other day in that my log was doing odd things like going to 100.1% utilized, then would zero back out (oh, check to see if you have logmode normal or rollforward ! ) with logmode normal you should rarely see it get much over a few % utilized... ANYWAY I didn't catch that the DB was FULL ! YIKES ! I missed that during the day and that night at 03:24 (that hurt enough that I remember the time down to the minute) all client activity came to a HALT ! just something I ran into... Dwight -----Original Message----- From: Denis L'Huillier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:46 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Recovery Log behavior after 100% util reached Hello, I have recently inherited an over worked, maxed out TSM server where the recovery log maxes out on just about a nightly basis. I have 2 questions maybe someone can help me with. 1. Why does the server only crash sometimes when the log fills up. For example, yesterday it reached 100% but never went down. 2 days ago it reached 100% and TSM crashed. 2. When the server didn't crash the log kind of automatically zero'd itself after reaching 100%. What happened to all those uncommitted changes to the database? Did I lose data? Shouldn't the log remain at 100% actual used until a db backup takes place? I have a 'q log' script in cron that runs every 10 minutes and this is the output during that time frame: Server date/time: 01/10/02 02:10:10 Last access: 01/10/02 02ANS8000I Server command: 'q log' 2,564 2,564 0 564 4,096 655,872 510,699 77.9 77.9 Server date/time: 01/10/02 03:00:04 Last access: 01/10/02 02ANS8000I Server command: 'q log' 2,564 2,564 0 8 4,096 655,872 653,290 99.6 99.6 Server date/time: 01/10/02 03:20:00 Last access: 01/10/02 03ANS8000I Server command: 'q log' 2,564 2,564 0 2,560 4,096 655,872 189 0.0 100.0 Server date/time: 01/10/02 03:10:01 Last access: 01/10/02 03ANS8000I Server command: 'q log' 2,564 2,564 0 2,560 4,096 655,872 189 0.0 100.0 As you can see the log reached 100% (99.6) at 3:00am and at 3:10 zero'd out. But no backups took place until about 4:50am and my database backup doesn't kick in until 9:00 am.. Also we are in normal log mode, no triggers. Here's the act log for this time frame: tsm: ADSMFP>q act begint=03:10 endt=04:54 Date/Time Message -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- 01/10/02 03:10:01 ANR0402I Session 2282 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX) (ShMem). 01/10/02 03:10:01 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 03:10:01 ANR0405I Session 2282 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 03:20:00 ANR0402I Session 2283 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX) (ShMem). 01/10/02 03:20:00 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 03:20:00 ANR0405I Session 2283 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 03:21:40 ANR0406I Session 2284 started for node INAFPUXPAS02 (SUN SOLARIS) (Tcp/Ip 01/10/02 03:21:40 ANR0403I Session 2284 ended for node INAFPUXPAS02 (SUN SOLARIS). 01/10/02 03:30:00 ANR0402I Session 2285 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX) (ShMem). 01/10/02 03:30:00 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 03:30:00 ANR0405I Session 2285 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 03:40:01 ANR0402I Session 2286 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX) (ShMem). 01/10/02 03:40:01 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 03:40:01 ANR0405I Session 2286 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 03:50:00 ANR0402I Session 2287 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX) (ShMem). 01/10/02 03:50:00 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 03:50:00 ANR0405I Session 2287 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 04:00:00 ANR0402I Session 2288 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID 01/10/02 04:00:00 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY SESSION 01/10/02 04:00:00 ANR0405I Session 2288 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 04:00:00 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 04:00:00 ANR0405I Session 2289 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 04:00:01 ANR2580E Schedule DAILY_SQL in domain SQL_DOMAIN for node INAEBNTPLD01 failed. 01/10/02 04:00:02 ANR2578I Schedule DAILY_SQL in domain SQL_DOMAIN for node SQL1 has missed its scheduled start up window. 01/10/02 04:10:00 ANR0402I Session 2290 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX) (ShMem). 01/10/02 04:10:00 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 04:10:00 ANR0405I Session 2290 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 04:20:00 ANR0402I Session 2291 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX) (ShMem). 01/10/02 04:20:00 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 04:20:00 ANR0405I Session 2291 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 04:30:00 ANR0402I Session 2292 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX) (ShMem). 01/10/02 04:30:00 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 04:30:00 ANR0405I Session 2292 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 04:40:01 ANR0402I Session 2293 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX) (ShMem). 01/10/02 04:40:01 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 04:40:01 ANR0405I Session 2293 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 04:50:00 ANR0402I Session 2294 started for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX) (ShMem). 01/10/02 04:50:00 ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command: QUERY LOG 01/10/02 04:50:00 ANR0405I Session 2294 ended for administrator SCRIPT_ID (AIX). 01/10/02 04:54:16 ANR0406I Session 2295 started for node INAFPUXPDB01 (SUN SOLARIS) (Tcp/Ip 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4952I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Total number of objects inspected: 1 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4954I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Total number of objects backed up: 1 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4958I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Total number of objects updated: 0 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4960I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Total number of objects rebound: 0 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4957I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Total number of objects deleted: 0 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4970I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Total number of objects expired: 0 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4959I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Total number of objects failed: 0 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4961I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Total number of bytes transferred: 64.61 MB 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4963I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Data transfer time: 5.84 sec 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4966I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Network data transfer rate: 11,324.62 KB/sec 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4967I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Aggregate data transfer rate: 5,463.51 KB/sec 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4968I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Objects compressed by: 0% 01/10/02 04:54:28 ANE4964I (Session: 2295, Node: INAFPUXPDB01) Elapsed processing time: 00:00:12 Thanks in advanced for any help! Regards, Denis L. L'Huiller 973-360-7739 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enterprise Storage Forms -> http://admpwb01/misc/misc/storage_forms_main.html