We are using client compression for backup of a 1,5 TByte NAS system.(F760)
(reason is to have apparently larger disk storage pools)
Backup is done using 5 different nodes on the same machine (Dual 1 GHz P3)
to have the opportiunity to restore with 5 sessions.
During backup i can see about 3-4 MByte per second on the network to the
TSM-server on MVS.
Restoretests for the netapp system seem to have a limit with this compressed
data at 8-9 MB per second. (only if tapes 3590-B a filled well)
At this speed (can be observed over a longer period) TSM client and NAS
system have nearly 100% CPU load.
The data a typical userdata - many small and some large

Stefan Holzwarth

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Sotonyi Attila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2002 12:29
> Betreff: Re: Client Compression question
> HI,
> With many small files this performance is not quite bad, but I think
> you should tuning you system. What kind of library you're using? Is
> compression set to enabled at drive and client level? If yes do not
> use this.
> Üdv,
>  Sótonyi Attila                          
 Certified TSM 4.1 admin
 MÁV Informatika Kft.

> Hi.

> I have been testing Novell backups and restores using a Compaq proliant
8500 as
> the client
> box.
> We have been seeing ok performance of approx 10 gb an hour for backups and
> restores,
> of 1 million objects.
> This applies both to Netware compressed and Netware uncompressed volumes.
> However when I try TSM client compression on a backup of a netware
> volume, the performance drops to 1 gb. an hour.
> It is not a resource problem the compaq cpu is hardly stirring, but it is
> definitely the TSM compression that is taking up the time (TSM tracing
shows it
> as 89% of the total time)
> I always believed in the past that slow performance with client
compression was
> down to
> lack of cpu on the client box, but there is cpu to spare with this
> configuration.
> My question is :-
> Is 1 gb an hour the best performance I that I can expect using TSM
> or can anyone think of reasons why that is all I am achieving ?

> thanks

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