Jerry, this would turn TSM into "always full backup" destroying nearly all of its benefits (and will not resolve the problem). I would recommend to both you and Angelos to read the nice redbook "Tivoli Storage Management Concepts" (SG24-4877-02 from This would allow to understand TSM tape management policies as well as data retension mechanism.
Angelos, the answer to your question is not so simple but let me give you at least two hints: 1. Expiration is not well tuned or does not run - check EXPINterval option in dsmserv.opt, if 0 check for administrative schedule running "EXPIre Inventory" command, verify aren't copygroups having too long expiration and/or too many versions to be kept. or 2. Your TSM installation is not well designed or sized - either business demands are too high or the autoloader is not enough. Calculate the volume of all data (both active and inactive copies) to be kept + TSM database backups + (optional but highly recommended) all the data again (in copy storage pool) + al least one scratch tape for reclamation + (optional) a slot for the cleaning cartridge. If this is more than your library has and the space for inactive copies cannot be reduced lowering the business requirements go to the management and ask for larger library. Another great redbook ("Getting Started with Tivoli Storage Manager: Implementation Guide", SG24-5416-01) can help you there. Zlatko Krastev IT Consultant "Slag, Jerry B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 27.12.2001 19:14:00 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Re: Reusing Old Tapes "delete vol xxxxxx discarddata=yes" This will delete references to the data on a tape and return the tape to scratch. I hope you are running full backups on a regular basis if you are going to delete backups after less than 2 weeks. P.S. Check your versions and retention settings too. -----Original Message----- From: Angelos Loizou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 8:17 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Reusing Old Tapes Anybody can help me with this : I 'm using an IBM Ultrium tape library with 7 tapes. A few weeks ago my first set of tapes were full so I got another set of 7 and checked them in TSM. All worked fine. Now the second set is full and I need to reuse the first set for backups. TSM will not allow me to checkin the volumes as scratch resulting in failing backups with an error : ANR1405W Scratch volume mount request denied - no scratch volume available. What do I have to do in order to reuse my old set of tapes? Thanks in advance, Angelos _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: