Sorry, I am taking my words back. Have a look again at the times reported
Data transfer time: 8 261.61 sec
Elapsed processing time: 01:25:00
This 8261 seconds is definitely much more than 1h25m (5100s) and one of the
times is erroneous. Divided by wrong value you're getting one of the rates

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

22.12.2001 23:55
Sent by:        Zlatko Krastev/ACIT<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:     "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:        Re: Please Explain

If your network capacity "greatly exceeds the clients ability to send data"
then your network rate should "greatly exceed" the data read (on the node)
and write (on the server) rate. Consequently aggregate rate has also to be
"greatly exceeded". The only explanation I can find to the numbers you're
seeing is that the speed of the SP Switch is incorrectly counted in MHz not
in MB/s. And later those MHz are converted as usual serial Ethernet in
MB/s. Because SP Switch running at low frequency gives high throughput your
network rate is displayed wrong.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Miles Purdy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 20.12.2001 17:26:13
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:        Re: Please Explain

I don't think it is a bug. I think is because my network (SP Switch)
capacity greatly exceeds the clients ability to send data (even though is
an S80). If in effect I'm running 2,3,4,5 backups concurrently.
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4952I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total
number of                       objects inspected:  135 487
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4954I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total
number of                          objects backed up:    2 309
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4958I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total
number of                        objects updated:          0
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4960I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total
number of                          objects rebound:          0
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4957I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total
number of                          objects deleted:          0
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4970I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total
number of                          objects expired:     13 138
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4959I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total
number of                          objects failed:           0
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4961I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total
number of                           bytes transferred:    60.53 GB
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4963I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Data
transfer time:                                    8 261.61 sec
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4966I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Network
data                            transfer rate:        7 682.73 KB/sec
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4967I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Aggregate
data                         transfer rate:      12 445.33 KB/sec
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4968I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Objects
compressed                      by:                    0%
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4964I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Elapsed
processing                    time:            01:25:00


Miles Purdy
System Manager
Farm Income Programs Directorate
Winnipeg, MB, CA
ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557

"If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?"

>>> Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20-Dec-01 8:20:26 AM >>>
I don't see how aggregate  rate could exceed network rate.   Aggregate is
Bytes Transferred divided by Elapsed Time, and Network is Bytes Transferred
divided by Data Transfer Time....  what were those values in the session
where Aggregate was greater than Network?  How could Data Transfer Time be
greater than Elapsed Time?  Must be a bug!

Robin Sharpe
Berlex Labs

                    Miles Purdy
                    GC.CA>        To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                  cc:    (bcc: Robin Sharpe/WA/USR/SHG)
                    12/20/01      Subject:
                    08:44 AM             Re: Please Explain
                    respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

The network transfer rate is the time is takes to send the file to be
backed up to the TSM server.

The aggregate is the total KB backed up / the total time.

The difference is the processing time. The time to contact the TSM server
and check if the file needs to be backed up.

Interestingly enough, my aggregate usually exceeds the network, I was
asking yesterday if any one else sees this.


Miles Purdy
System Manager
Farm Income Programs Directorate
Winnipeg, MB, CA
ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557

"If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?"

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20-Dec-01 4:45:16 AM >>>

I run  a full backup of a Netware 5 with Tivoli client 4.2.0 here the

 12/18/2001 13:58:12 Total number of objects inspected:   33,310
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Total number of objects backed up:   33,104
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Total number of objects updated:          0
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Total number of objects rebound:          0
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Total number of objects deleted:          0
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Total number of objects expired:          0
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Total number of objects failed:           3
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Total number of bytes transferred:     1.33 GB
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Data transfer time:                  138.38 sec
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Network data transfer rate:        10,099.94 KB/sec
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Aggregate data transfer rate:        802.25 KB/sec
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Objects compressed by:                    0%
12/18/2001 13:58:12 Elapsed processing time:           00:29:02

Can anybody explain why my Network data transfer rate is so high but my
Aggregate data transfer rate is low !!!!!!!!!!!!

T.I.A Regards

Robert Ouzen

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