
I remember this same topic being discussed several months ago... I thought
it was impossible... how can the library move the slider on the cartridge!?
We have a P3000 and have never seen this happen.  I don't remember the
resolution from that last discussion (or if there was one)... but I'll say
again what I said then...  call ATL tech support!   They are usually pretty

Robin Sharpe
Berlex Labs

                    <PCoviello@CM To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    C-NH.ORG>     cc:    (bcc: Robin Sharpe/WA/USR/SHG)
                    12/24/01             ATL P2000 dlt 7000 question
                    12:40 PM
                    respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

Hi we have an ATL P2000 with 4 dlt7000's 100 tape capacity.  the operations
group is seeing DLT tapes coming out of the library write protected.

Would anyone care to guess at this?  because I can't even come up with a
rational explanation nor logical one.  :-)
I have asked if it is the same tapes, ( going thru list this week)
they might have a bad switch but then what moves it!


Paul J Coviello
Sr Systems Analyst
Catholic Medical Center
2456 Brown Ave
Manchester NH 03103
(603) 663-5326

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