What I have done is installed TSM Client on both nodes on their local drives. I then created 2 dsm.opt files (one called dsm.opt and the other dsmlocal.opt). The dsm.opt file contained clusternode=yes, which you will only see the shared drives. The dsmlocal.opt does not have the clustermode option in it.
In Cluster admin I created a separate group called TSM Backups and put in there the TSM Scheduler, Client, and Journal services (make sure you have these services set to manual start - Cluster admin will control the start/stop of these services). This will allow Windows to start/stop the services for TSM depending on what node is active. I then created a 2nd schedule on each node (2nd service) using the DSMLOCAL.OPT file. I called this "TSM Backup for local node" (service name). This service will also be installed on each node in the cluster and will be set to automatically and will NOT be in the cluster admin group of TSM. This will backup the local drives and the System.objects of each node. If you need more detail let me know and I will send screen shots and more info to your email. Joe Cascanette The Cumis Group Limited -----Original Message----- From: Gill, Geoffrey L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 9:38 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: TSM win2k cluster install We just installed a WIN2k Cluster and I'm a little confused as to what to do with TSM. If I read the book correctly, I'm easily confused by the way, it looks like I'm supposed to install the TSM client more than once. Once on a local disk and again on a disk out on the SAN the cluster is using. Would someone who's familiar with the steps for installing and configuring please drop me a line so I can hopefully get this backed up properly. If you have the steps outlined in a document that would be great. Thanks for the help...... Geoff Gill TSM Administrator NT Systems Support Engineer SAIC E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (858) 826-4062 Pager: (888) 997-9614