Hi Rick,

I might try collocation first by node (ie. ON) then by filespace - if you have extra 
tapes and capacity. 

Buy as much disk as you can for a disk pool. 

You might try optimizing your database access.


Miles Purdy 
System Manager
Farm Income Programs Directorate
Winnipeg, MB, CA
ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557

"If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?"

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12-Dec-01 4:11:11 PM >>>
Question:      Is there a way to speed up a restore of a file system with
1000's of small files using TSM.
             We have seen restores of    200-500 mb  file systems which
have 1000's of small files
             taking hours to restore.
                        Is there any options I can change/set to increase
or speed up the restore times on these
                        types of file systems.


Rick Kylie
245 Consumers Road  M2J 1R3  ON
Tel: (416) 490-2121 Fax: (416) 490-5283
Loc: BK02/Con/245/TOR

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