Title: Message
We're using TSM server 4.2.0 on MVS
Client levels from 3.1.5 to
Yesterday I noticed that our large NT-fileserver couldn't connect to the server,
ANR0428W Session 3937 for node SPNT190 (WinNT) refused client is down-level with this server version.
It turned out that in the TSM server the node spnt190 showed a client version level of but the BA Client installed is only 3.1.5. Someone had restored files from the node using a client.
How do I change the client version in the database to match the real version on the node?
In this case I had to upgrade the NT server to BA Client to get the backups running again.
Niklas Lundström
Föreningssparbanken IT
08-5859 5164

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