How's you're reclamation set up? The default value is 60, but if you take a look at your tapes, i'd guess you have about 10-20% reclaimable space on your tapes.
The L32 has 320 MagStar tapes. Is it C-model XL version tapes? In this case every tape should hold about 15-20GB's each.
If you could make all your tapes full, without any reclaimable space, you should be able to save 2-3GB's per tape.
With 320 tapes, this should be a total of about 600-800GB of free space.
Try setting your reclamation threshold to 5% over the weekend, and you would probably get some more tapes.
The other thing to look at is how many versions of the DBBackup are you saving? Recommended is at least 2, but if you're using more than that, it could be a good idea, to look this over to see if you can save any tapes.
How is your copypool tapes? To look at the reclamation threshold on these tapes could probably be a good idea.
Best Regards
Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Bergkällavägen 31D
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2001-12-11 09:55 EST
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
Subject: Re: Help! I need more space
I have a similar but not as bad situation. 3575-L32 maxed out with about
60 tapes out of library and LTO coming in a month or so. The "MOVE
MEDIA" command is used to move tapes out of library. You have to have
your OPS folks on the ball as when one of those tapes is needed, there
is a message that pops up on console each minute until tape is checked
back in.
Reclamations and restores are mostly what needs tapes, so if you can plan
the times of these that will help. With your 200+ tapes out of library, this will most likely be a LARGE extra operation for them (and YOU) to keep up
with. Removing collocation will conserve tapes but don't know how you
have in thisn state and how long it will take to change over.
David Longo
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/11/01 09:46AM >>>
Hi folks,
I have a situation where our company has two backups systems, TSM being one of them. The 'other' backup system doesn't work for various reasons and we are planning to move the servers that backup to it to TSM. On the weekend that other system fell a part. Now I need to backup about 500GBs into a Magstar L32 that really doesn't have that much space. I'm in a tight spot and I need some creative ways to backup that much data. Here's what I've been trying:
- turn collocation off, or from 'filespace' to 'on'
- reviewing old nodes and the largest filespaces, but this didn't save to much
- I don't think I can reduce any copies or the length of time that the copies are stored
Here's what I do have:
- I do have 8 x 36 GB disks that will be here soon
- a ton of tapes, no room in the Magstar, but I must have 200-300 extra tapes
- I also have 24 x 18.2 GB disks right now that are used for my disk pools and 4 x 9.1 GB disks that are used
So I was thinking I that I could:
1. use the 36 GB disks for a primary pool. Still sending the data offsite (copy pool) because I have a lot of tapes, OR,
2. start taking tapes out of the Magstar and just setting them aside, when they are full
I do have a LTO coming but not for 2-3 months.
I could really use a creative idea to store a lot of data. I have the tapes just not the slots inside my Magstar.
Thanks Miles
Miles Purdy
System Manager
Farm Income Programs Directorate
Winnipeg, MB, CA
ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557
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