On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 10:15:33 -0600, it was written:
>Oh how I wish this were possible.  I have submitted this requirement to
>Tivoli and I believe others have also.
>We are currently using LTO tapes (100 GB uncompressed), it is just not
>economical to only put 1 backupset per tape.

One of the major purposes of backupsets is the ability to restore a
system without the use of the TSM server. This can particularly useful
in DR mode when you need to get some mission-critical TSM clients
*immediately* while you're concurrently getting the TSM box rebuilt as
well. In this mode, an LTO tape with a backupset on it won't do you
much good if you can't locally mount the tape on the box to be
recovered, and I don't know many folk that have a standalone LTO tape
drive sitting around.

The other problem is that of organization. If you put, say, three TSM
clients' worth of backupsets on one tape, and you use the server-free
mode when restoring, how will client #2 know how to distinguish its
data from client #1's?

If you've got a beef with using large-capacity tapes for backupsets,
stick a standalone DLT or 8mm tape drive on your TSM server, and write
the backupsets to that. Then move the drive to the client to be
restored as necessary.

>If enough people submit this requirement to Tivoli perhaps they will listen.

Why make backupsets more complex? Leave the backupset design alone, I

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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