The fact is that TSM does not always write tapes 'til they are full. If you have a bunch of small nodes using collocation or backupsets, you can wind up with a lot of expensive tape with little content. Using the VTS would allow you to stack these nearly empty tapes onto one tape. I'm not sure whether this defeats the purpose of collocation, since I'm not sure that the virtual tapes will stay collocated inside the VTS, though.
_____________________________ William Mansfield Senior Consultant Solution Technology, Inc "Prather, Wanda" <Wanda.Prather@J To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] HUAPL.EDU> cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: TSM and VTS Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] T.EDU> 11/30/2001 02:23 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" TSM data is not an "ideal" application for a VTS because TSM writes tapes util they are full, which means anything that gets recalled to the VTS (say to restore a file) has to bring back the whole "virtual tape", not just the file you want. Whether or not you can make it work for you depends on the capacity of your VTS and your TSM load. Go to, search 2001 data for this string: 3494+VTS+TSM Look for my post from Oct. 31. -----Original Message----- From: MC Matt Cooper (2838) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 11/30/01 7:59 AM David, I remember reading in this list group that using a VTS with TSM is a very bad idea. I believe the issue was TSM data on disk being moved to the VSMs Disk (cache), overloading it. I would suggest looking through the list servers archives at Matt -----Original Message----- From: David Browne. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 1:50 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: I have three TSM servers running TSM 4.1.4 on OS390/MVS 2.10. Currently I write my onsite backups to dasd and then migrate the information to tape (3490E 36 track) for my onsite backups. My Storage Administer is wanting to move our onsite tape backups to a VSM. Our VSM is an STK Virtual Tape Manager and we are running HSC 4.1. We use SMS to control what datasets are selected to go to the VSM. Currently my TSM tapes are 3490E and the VSM is configured to look like a 3490 tape drive and 3490E tapes. Can I just let SMS send the mounts to the VSM? Has anyone done this?