Easiest would be to

dsmadmc -id=id -password=password -comma 'select * from scripts' > myfile

Then use vi to turn that into macro type lines.  Or, if this is a regular
occurrence, you could automate it.  Something like this might work. I
haven't tested it too hard, but at first glance, it seems to work with my

dsmadmc -id=id -password=password -comma 'select * from scripts where line >
0' |
grep "^[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]*," | awk -F , '{print "def scr " $1 " " $2 "
'"$3"'"}' > mymacrofile

ftp mymacrofile to the target server, then, from that ADSM server, run it as
a macro.

Good luck,

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Bennett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 3:10 PM
Subject: copying scripts between tsm servers


I need to copy dozens of scripts from one TSM 4.1.3 server to another.
Any suggestions?


Steve Bennett, (907) 465-5783
State of Alaska, Information Technology Group, Technical Services

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