Bonus feature of TSM 4.1... The " datactr " is my overflow location. I am
running TSM on AIX 4.3.3 ML8.
I have a 3575L32 and the library is FULL plus there are approximately 100 tapes in the 
overflow location at any one time.
(Need to figure out how to use less tape so there is less tape shuffle required)...

Note that the volume 078A9F was being asked for for the purpose of reclamation. Note 
this was pre-empted because the restore needed this volume and Request 243 (the call 
for the tape for reclaim) was
cancelled. There was NO repeat NO subsequent call for the tape to be put into the 
library for the restore. Thus, the restore
will hang forever unless someone notices the long wait time of the session at the TSM 
server! BUG???

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

11/28/01   14:36:56      ANR8765I 243: 3570 volume 078A9F in location datactr is
                          required for use in library 3575LIB1; CHECKIN LIBVOLUME
                          required within 107 minutes.
11/28/01   14:40:38      ANR0406I Session 6609 started for node AFCPROD2
                          (SQL-BACKTRACK) (Tcp/Ip
11/28/01   14:40:39      ANR1440I All drives in use.  Process 1032 being preempted
                          by higher priority operation.
11/28/01   14:40:39      ANR8342I Request 243 for volume 078A9F canceled by SYSTEM.
11/28/01   14:40:39      ANR8313E Volume 078A9F is not present in library 3575LIB1.
11/28/01   14:40:39      ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume 078A9F - volume
11/28/01   14:40:39      ANR1410W Access mode for volume 078A9F now set to
11/28/01   14:40:39      ANR0985I Process 1032 for SPACE RECLAMATION running in the
                          BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE at
11/28/01   14:40:39      ANR1081W Space reclamation terminated for volume 078A9F -
                          storage media inaccessible.

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