Storage hierarchy works only on primary pools, i.e. you can "flush from disk file to tape" only if both pools are primary. When you create file volumes it is equivalent to losing you storage pool backup. And TSM server recreates the files on next backup. The only way (in current versions) is to backup primary pool to tape copy pool.
Zlatko Krastev IT Consultant Michel David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 18.11.2001 12:29:26 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Disk Copy Pool Hi Everybody. Thank you for precedent answers ! 3.7.4 NT4.0 (soon 2000) QUALSTAR AIT1/2 libs. API Used for Archives (not Copy Pool) Here's the new problem: We would like each day to copy the Archive Pool to a FILE pool up to 120 GB and flush this to a SEQ TAPE. We would like this disk pool to be empty every time we flush it and CONTINUE to fill IT FROM THIS POINT. Not from the begining. If I delete the created File Volumes, the TSM will try on the next backup to backup them from the begining ! Is there a trick ? Thank you !!!! Michel __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals