I experienced the same problem after applying NW 5.1SP3 to my Novell servers. You need 
to download the tsa5up7 (tid#2960255) from Novell, and apply it to the NW server 
according to Novell's instructions. back ups should run ok then.

Jose R. Palomo
Network Administrator
California Energy Commission

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/07/01 06:29AM >>>
I'm having a problem with one of my servers and the TSA500.NLM file.  The error log 
returns: "(TSA500.NLM 5.4 266) This data set is in use and cannot be accessed at this 
time".  My other NetWare servers do not have this problem.  It has been suggested to 
me that TSM is trying to back this NLM up while it is using it.  TSM server is MVS 
4.1.0, client is 4.2.1.  My NetWare Administrators have suggested that I exclude 
SYS:\system from the backups.  

Has anyone else run into this problem with TSA500.NLM and do you exclude SYS:\system 
from backups?

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