
look at "queryschedperiod" option in dsm.sys (or dsm.opt where dsm.sys is
not used). By default it is 12 hours but you can make it 1 hour. When this
time expires the client contacts the server and looks for new schedules.
This is for polling mode.
In prompted mode the client is always ready to answer server requests (i.e.
schedules). But this also means selected TCP port to be always opened on
the client. Sometimes this might not be desirable for security reasons.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Thida Chin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02.10.2001
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:        Re: anybody knows what is scheduling mode actually for?
(prompt/client polling/any)

Thanks Rajesh,
        I've check dsm.opt in client it was not define in..... is it
"client polling"?
And if I set to be prompted both client and server, Can I set schedule in
server with out restart client schedule process? Will it be backed up?
        Now every time if I change schedule I need to restart dsmc sched
every time (except it will run after 12 hrs from previous schedule)

root@sgsap13 # vi /usr/lpp/adsm/bin/dsm.opt
"/usr/lpp/adsm/bin/dsm.opt" 28 lines, 670 characters
* ADSM Client options file
* Options for ADSM clients in SHELL ADSM environment.
* use the defaultserver defined in dsm.sys

* Do not wait for mounts of tapes,...
  tapeprompt       NO

* process subdirectories by default
  subdir           YES

* replace files while restoring; except r/o
  replace          ON

* process all local filesystems
  domain           ALL-LOCAL

* number of days for errorlogretention
  errorlogretention  14,s

* Nodename           client
Servername         ADSM

*Nodename       sgsap11


Thida Chintawongvanich

SAP Infrastructure Support Team (SITI-ISPS/31)
Shell Information Technology International Sdn., Bhd.
2340 Century Square
Jln Ushawan 63000 Cyberjaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Tel : +603 8313 3446 : Fax : +603 251 2788 )
*Personal EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Rajesh Oak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, October 02, 2001 1:56 PM
Subject:        Re: anybody knows what is scheduling mode actually for?
(prompt/client polling/any)

You have to set up Prompted at both the Server and the Client options. If
you want to have a mix of both Polling and Prompted, set up Schedmode as
on the Server. At the client side you have to have an option
SCHEDMODE  PROMPTED in the dsm.opt file.
What the poblem with your config seems to be is that you have set up
Prompted on the Server and on the client side it is setup as Polling.

Rajesh Oak

On Tue, 2 Oct 2001 10:30:27
 Thida Chin wrote:
>Anybody know what actually "Scheduling Modes" in q status did...
>I try " prompted" for server prompted....expected that will run when
>prompted to do the schedule....
>But it was not still need to wait for client process to
>And when client talk to server also can't be backed up....
>It shows  "Server is not currently supporting client polling."
>Thida Chintawongvanich
>SAP Infrastructure Support Team (SITI-ISPS/31)
>Shell Information Technology International Sdn., Bhd.
>2340 Century Square
>Jln Ushawan 63000 Cyberjaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
>(Tel : +603 8313 3446 : Fax : +603 251 2788 )
>*Personal EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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