You can also pull out the management class "CLASS_NAME" from backups table.
So once the file has gone inactive then you can work it out from management
class value (Retain Extra Versions)
and deactivate date.
There is a nice little topic in the Admin Guide "How Many Backup Versions to
Retain and For How Long* thats worth reading

Thorhallur Sverrisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/27/2001 10:33:12 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: John Naylor/HAV/SSEG)
Subject:  Re: How do I see when a file will be deleted from the server?

The following SQL statement can show you when the TSM server got a newer copy of
the file:

SELECT deactivate_date FROM backups
WHERE node_name='DEMON' AND filespace_name='/'
AND hl_name='/etc/' AND ll_name='hosts'

(all as one line, split up for ease of reading)

node_name is the name of the node in question, in CAPS.
filespace_name is the name you see in 'q filespace'
hl_name is the name of the directory the file lives in
ll_name is the name of the file itself

Unfortiunetly I do not know how to see when the file will be removed
from the database, only when the client detected newer/deleted copy.

Anyone have any ideas on how to see when the file will be deleted from
the database?

Hope this helps,


On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 06:05:26PM +1000, mrkirra2001 wrote:
> How can I see when a file that has been backed and subsequently deleted (on
> the client) when it will be removed from the server?
> I know the RETONLY parameter says to keep it the number of days, so I can
> make a guess at when it was deleted and then add on the number of days in
> the RETONLY parameter, but this is a GUESS, especially for files that may
> have been deleted a number of weeks ago.
> So, is there a way to find out the EXACT date a file will be removed from
> the server once it has been deleted?
> Thanks for any help.
> /gjs

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