Hallo Forumers, we have througput bottlenacks in our TSM environment, =
is our configuration:
TSM Server 4.1.4 on OS/390 2.9 with a dedicated TCPIP Stack serving an
OSA-Express Gigabit Adapter (one port) running in QDIO mode =20
TSM Clients SUN Solaris as well as HP/UX 4.2
The Network is a dedicated Extreme Gigabit switch with no routing =
means we are testing point to point.
with TSM we reach troughputs of max. 15 GB/sec (GigaBytes) which equals =
Gb/sec. (Gigabits)
On the other hand we have measured throughputs of 35 GB/s using the =
Chariot from NetIQ.
Is there anybody in the forum with an idea on this throughput problems =
? any
help is welcome =20
Joachim Duerre
DNC D=FCrre Network Consulting
z.Zt. Volkswagen AG, K-DOI-32