I have a question about how the OS/390 version of TSM utilizes disk
storage pools and why and possible future impact.

Currently, my disk "landing zone" storage pool has 38-individual DASD
volumes, for a total of 90G+.  I noticed that when I do a Q VOL STG=, that
*EVERY* "volume" (i.e. data set) has something in it, rather than fill up
one before going to another (this is a royal pain when trying to
delete/add volumes, but that is a different story.....).  So, when doing
migration from this pool to tape, it has to perform I/O's to 38 disk
volumes as well as the tapes.

I am getting ready to more than double this pool.  Does this mean that TSM
will scatter data across all 80+ volumes ?

This seems like a lot of unnecessary overhead.

Any thoughts on this ?
Zoltan Forray
Virginia Commonwealth University
University Computing Center
voice: 804-828-4807

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