Hi Chris,

I just experience the same issue with LTO drives/tapes, sporadically when
backing up over the LAN, and excessive when backin up LAN-free over the SAN.

I've opened a PMR with Tivoli, but in my optinion, this is a software issue,
although I cannot say which software. It's either the LTO fimrware, or the
software of our SAN gateway (MDR from Compaq), or of TSM

You are not alone, but I don't have a solution yet.

What's your environment, maybe we find similarities, which enables us to
track down the problem.

Joerg Nouvertne

> Forum:   ADSM.ORG - ADSM / TSM Mailing List Archive
> Date:      Jul 09, 17:20
> From:      chris harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What is this?  We're getting it on multiple tapes
> and/or drives now.  What do we do about it?  Seems
> like a tape (DLT IV) issue... is that a fair
> assumption?

> 07/08/2001 02:11:32 ANR9999D pvrgts.c(4282): Invalid
> block header read from volume 000039. (magic=8285,
> ver=1, Hdr blk=209256 <expected 104646>, db=262128
> <262144,262144,0>)

> Thanks,
> ch


Joerg Nouvertne

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