It appears as though your passwords are out of sync between your NT box and
the TSM Server. I run into this regularly when setting up a new client
especially. I usually remove the line from the .opt file and log onto the
client software and set the password there. At that point if it appears to
take the password change, add the line back in and restart the scheduler
Chris Mertens, MCSE
OA/Division of Information Services
573.522.8417 (Phone)
573.751.3299 (Fax)
-----Original Message-----
From: Pucky, Todd M. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 12:25 PM
Subject: Passwordaccess Generate Fails to Work on NT server
I am a rookie at TSM, so this may be a really easy one for some. I am
having a problem with a Windows NT server backing up with the scheduler. I
am running AIX 4.3.2 and TSM 3.7.2. I have passwordaccess generate set in
the dsm.opt file. The server is on a daily backup and produces this error
in the dsmerror.log when prompted by the TSM server:
09/02/2001 01:07:43 ReadPswdFromRegistry(): RegOpenPathEx(): Win32 RC=2 .
09/02/2001 01:07:43 sessOpen: Error 137 from signon authentication.
09/02/2001 01:07:43 cuSignOnResp: Server rejected session; result code: 53
09/02/2001 01:07:43 ReadPswdFromRegistry(): RegOpenPathEx(): Win32 RC=2 .
09/02/2001 01:07:43 sessOpen: Error 137 from signon authentication.
09/02/2001 01:07:43 ANS1029E Communications have been dropped.
The dsmsched.log shows:
09/02/2001 01:07:43 Node Name: <nodename>
09/02/2001 01:07:43 Please enter your user id <nodename>: ANS1029E
Communications have been dropped.
09/02/2001 01:07:43 Scheduler has been stopped.
Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Todd M. Pucky
The Timken Company
Applications Programmer/Analyst