Please ppl - just because someone trolls the mailing list for potential
employees - does NOT mean we need to spend the rest of the day/week
contributing needless spam by responding in a public forum.  If you are
interested or are not interested - and want to make that apparent  -
please do so privately.

thank you
-tired of me-toos on adsm-l

On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Angelica Tulipano wrote:

> Hi! Someone that have knowledge in working with Tivoli Enterprise is
> interest to work at Panama, if you are interested please send your resume
> to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is for working in a Multinational company.
> Thanks

John "Jamie" Marquart           |     This message posted 100% MS free.
Digital Library SysAdmin        |  Work: 812-856-5174   Pager: 812-334-6018
Indiana University Libraries    |  ICQ: 1131494         D'net Team:  6265

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