The APIs don't always mark files inactive. Active files never go away.
Rename a filespace, back it up again and delete the old backup.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MC Matt Cooper (2838) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 6:13 AM
> Subject: Re: how to get rid of OLD ACTIVE file backups
> Hello Again,
> One of the things I forgot to mention was I do a FULL backup,
> (change the copymode to ABSOLUTE), of every node every two weeks. I don't
> do them all at the same time but because I do the fulls I would expect
> that
> I would not be finding backup files that are 120 days old and ACTIVE. I
> have only had TSM up since the beginning of the year and am very hesitant
> to
> start reclaimation procedures thinking that if everything worked the way
> I
> think they should (longest retention in any policy is 60 days) that I
> would
> see ALL the tapes go scratch less than 3 months. I am trying to prevent
> my
> lack of knowledge from putting in a procedure that will just start
> gathering
> junk and keeping it forever.
> The BMC TDP seems to have a very odd error. The AIX platform from
> where the BMC (Sybase) is running has deleted the data and looking from
> it is gone. But when I look at the TSM server filespace I see many
> properly
> handled BMC files being handle correctly but little groups (by date) of
> files that are listed as ACTIVE but 4 and 5 months old. I do not have
> this
> problem with the MS-EXCHANGE or DB2 files.
> I would like to develop a procedure that I can use to cleanout the
> backup files that I know don't belong. Ones that are ACTIVE and many
> months
> old. I don't really understand how they can get into this situation.
> Even
> if someone where to do a SELECTIVE backup of something that is normally
> EXCLUDED the next INCREMENTAL should have those files marked as INACTIVE.
> Matt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Maurice van 't Loo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 3:44 PM
> Subject: Re: how to get rid of OLD ACTIVE file backups
> Matt,
> You can try to change the policyset that the TDP's and BMC uses if the
> TDP's
> don't know the existance of the files anymore.
> If tapes are only 5% used, why you don't run reclamaition? Update your
> stgpool with the reclamation on jl. 50%
> Maurice
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "MC Matt Cooper (2838)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 9:29 PM
> Subject: how to get rid of OLD ACTIVE file backups
> > Hello all,
> > I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to get rid of OLD
> > backups that were put in by BMC BACKTRACKS. We are running TSM 4.1.3 on
> > OS390. I am trying to understand and cleanup a bunch of old backups
> that
> > should not exist and are holding up the scratching of tapes. I know I
> can
> > start a process to consolidate all these tapes that seem to have less
> than
> > 5% used. I know I can honestly say that everything on these tapes are
> not
> > needed and DISCARD the data and scratch the tape. I have already
> deleted
> > all the filespaces that have not been backed up for more than 3 months.
> But
> > I still have different files that are still listed as ACTIVE from months
> > ago. The ones that come from the TDPs have a process that is run on the
> > client to clean them out. The one for BACKTRACK used for Sybase works
> only
> > some times.
> > So I have active backups for a client that no longer has the data. It
> > seems that there is a hole in that software. Is there a way to delete a
> > backup file and not the whole filespace? I have this situation in a
> couple
> > of instances. The BACKTRACK one is the most frequent though.
> > Matt
> >
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