On an RS6000 is it better to connect a SAN fabric via 2 single fiber cards,
to a seperate fabrics/switches? Is it possible to have them both on the same
fabric somehow teamed together for better throughput or is that even

With 3590 fiber drives attached to a SAN what's the best anyones got from
throughput? Is it better to direct attach the drives to the RS6000 or
through the switch?

Are there any drawings out there that show possible routes with some
throughput figures? We're in a design phase and want to set up for the best
possible solution now. Even is it doesn't happen all at once at least we can
go forward.

Thanks for the help....

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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