Thank you so much for the detailed instructions. I am
new to TSM. This is really helpful.  Thank you...

--- "Prather, Wanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To create them is easy; from an admin command line
> type:
> You will see the command you run is like this:
> GENERATE BACKUPSET NODENAME   descriptionyoumakeup
> DEVCLASS=ddddd
> RETENTION=numdaystokeepthebackupset
> TSM will pull a scratch tape from DEVCLASS dddd and
> take care of the rest.
> You can also do this from the web GUI by clicking
> OBJECT VIEW -> Clients  ->
> Client NODES -> Backupsets, then pull down GENERATE
> BACKUPSET and choose a
> device class and expdt.
> The only unpleasant part is that the backupsets you
> create are tracked only
> in VOLUME HISTORY, not in storage pools, and DRM
> doesn't support vaulting of
> them (and we pay EXTRA for DRM , right?)  However
> the Autovault product does
> support vaulting of the backupsets you create, if
> you are using that product
> instead of DRM for vaulting.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck Lam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 7:16 PM
> Subject: Creating backupset for a client node on TSM
> 4.1
> Hello-List,
> Does anyone have experience creating 'backupsets'
> for
> a client node on TSM 4.1? Because there are so many
> small files on the Novell servers, I was asked to
> see
> if we can perform a 'full' system backup on those
> servers every two weeks in case we have to do a full
> system restore.  I wonder if backupset can be
> created
> for them in stead?
> Reading the admin documents, I am not quite sure how
> to go about creating them.  Any suggestions will be
> greatly appreciated...
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